News | WireFlow delivers distributed data logger systems to Forsmark’s nuclear power plant


WireFlow delivers the data logger system Lundby to Forsmark’s nuclear power plant. Lundby is a distributed logger system that can be equipped with thousands of measurement channels with a time synchronization better than a microsecond. Forsmark’s engineers will set up nodes at various locations within the facility so that massive recordings can be started if there is any disruption in power production or distribution. With the help of the recorded signals, the engineers can then analyze the process afterwards to create an understanding of what has occurred.

– We have had a very close and good cooperation with Forsmark’s engineers when we updated our Lundby system with a number of new powerful functions that Forsmark has been in need of, says WireFlow’s project manager Mårten Aurelius.

The logger nodes in Lundby consist of hardware from NI (National Instruments). The nodes, which can be of the CompactRIO, CompactDAQ, PXI or FieldDAQ types, provide a huge range of different types of I/O modules. Everything from temperature measurements to fast voltage measurements of 1 MSample per second is supported. As the nodes are connected via a time- synchronized network according to the IEEE802.1AS standard, recorded data can be synchronized with an accuracy better than a microsecond.

The software in Lundby is distributed as autonomous processes out in the nodes, which provides a very robust and redundant system.

– The entire architecture is designed for a system that should be ready 24/7 for months and then, when a trigger condition is met on a node, quickly start recording signals on all the nodes configured for logging, explains Mårten.

During the project, a number of training sessions have been held with the aim that Forsmark’s personnel will be able to independently install, configure, commission and maintain the system.- WireFlow will receive the highest rating in Forsmark’s supplier evaluation, announces Ann- Charlotte Wittborg, Project Manager at Forsmark Kraftgrupp.

For more information please visit the Lundby product page, or read the Forsmark Case study