At WireFlow we develop, manufacture and sell electronics and software components within test and measurement to customers all around the globe. We develop customized solutions within our specialist areas: circuit board testing, battery technology and advanced sensor simulation. WireFlow also offer expert services on NI’s technology platforms LabVIEW, TestStand and CompactRIO.

View from WireFlow headquaters.

Our history

In 2011, four engineers in Göteborg, Sweden, decided to start the company that they wished they’d worked for. All four had long experience in designing advanced test and measurement systems based on National Instruments’ products and tools. As LabVIEW programmers, as hardware designers, as integrators, as system architects and as instructors, they had come to greatly appreciate the intuitive usefulness and the openness of the NI platform.

Their vision was to build a company that would amplify the power of the NI eco-system. They would do so by offering consultancy services, advanced soloutions and by complementing the panoply of hardware and software already on the market, with products that they would develop themselves.

Today, some years later, the company has grown to become one of the leading in Europe within its niche.

We have several products on the market, both hardware and software.

We have helped numerous clients over the years with state-of-the-art test and measurement systems.

– We are WireFlow.

Company presentation

Wireflow Presentation picture

We are a Silver Alliance Partner
to National Instruments

Click the image below to visit our NI partner page!

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