WireFlow Test Framework

Do you want to know more about WireFlow Test Framework? Please contact us at info@wireflow.com

WireFlow Test Framework – PCB-test solution for affordable ICT and FCT-testing of printed circuit boards.

Years of experience building PCB-test and programming has given us a unique insight into the challenges of the process of board-design, designing relevant test, set up manufacturing and maintaining reliable and cost effective PCB-testing.

We are offering our products and services under WireFlow Test Framework – a scalable, robust, configurable and affordable solution for your test-needs

We can help you

You can either choose to buy WireFlow Test Framework as a turn-key solution or chose and pick what parts you need from our offering due to its flexabillity.

  • I/O box with all instruments for ICT and FCT-testing and programming.
  • Fixtures from a wide range of types
  • Test expert services – ranging from design aid to tracability and product structure to writing the test specification for your new product.
  • Periphials to build a ergonomic and efficient test/build station
  • Support services to optimise production uptime and tracabillity and fault indication.

WireFlow Test Framework is the versatile platform for circuit board testing and programming, and we are the experts. 


Resource documents on WireFlow Test Framework

WireFlow Test Framework header
Download the WireFlow Test Framework brochure as a PDF to read more about our offering and to take the next step in PCB-testing.

Test Expert Services headerDo you need a testing-specialist or an expert in board manufacturing to help create the test-specification for your new product? To involve us early in the project assures that you get a product that is easy and consistent to manufacture, test and increase your profit.

WireFlow Test Framework building blocks headerUnder the hood of WireFlow Test Framework we have a ton of options to fill all your needs for ICT and FCT testing. The modular and scalable nature of our framework consists of booth our own hard- and software products, but also well known and proven products from NI and other leading manufacturers of measuring equipment.

Needle fixture cassette

How to reach the insides of your product for testing is an important question and should be top priority during design, have a look at your posibillities that we offer here.

This PDF is all about the extras around the WireFlow Test Framework to streamline testing, increase ergonomics and build a traceable and efficient test-enviroment for your production.

Do you need an on demand support organization to secure your manufacturing, look no further! WireFlow offers stellar Support services under our WireFlow Test Framework rounding up our offering with a selection of aftermarket services.

Case Studies

CASE | WireFlow Integration Services

Production Tester for Battery Management Systems

This study describes how WireFlow could help a client by taking full responsibility for design, development and launch of a complete production test setup. 

CASE | WireFlow Integration Services

Charge and Test System for Li-Ion Battery

Toyota Material Handling Manufacturing Sweden is one of the world’s largest factories for manufacturing of warehouse trucks. Toyota was in progress of introducing a new generation of Li-Ion batteries for their trucks and needed new charging and test stations for the battery manufacturing line.

Have you bought products
or services from WireFlow and want us to write a case study about your project?

Contact us at info@wireflow.com.